Put leadership theory into action

This 2-to 4-hour program allows participants to become the conductor of the orchestra and lead the music.
Leaders learn how to lead by example and understand the impact of their emotions, choices, and actions. Leading business schools such as HBS, IMD, CEIBS, INSEAD and RSM, as well as many companies around the globe have reaped the benefit of these workshops. 



  • TAKE ACTION Translate leadership theory into real action

  • INFLUENCE Boost your ability to influence colleagues, teams, stakeholders and clients

  • AGILE THINKING Strengthen your capacity to adapt to leadership challenges

  • TRANSMIT TRUE COLLABORATION Teach your team that they are stronger together

  • REDUCE STRESS Help yourself and others in your team to do the same

  • CULTIVATE EMPATHY Enhance emotional intelligence and self-awareness

  • LEAD AUTHENTICALY Create an authentic leadership culture

  • LISTEN WITH PURPOSE Give and receive 360 feedback from peers


Breaks down barriers and helps look at business issues from a different angle.”

- SEAN MEEHAN Director MBA Programme,
IMD International